S.P.I.D.E.R.S. Curriculum Logo

S.P.I.D.E.R.S. Program

Safety Playbook for Individual Development
and Engagement of Responsible Students

Elementary Lesson Titles

These lessons are designed to inform students about safety, abuse and making good decisions without placing them in uncomfortable situations.


*Scroll to the bottom for a link to the sample lesson.



Lesson 1:  I am Unique

Lesson 2:  Feelings are Important

Lesson 3:  Those We Like; Those We Don't

Lesson 4: How to Get Help Safely

First Grade

Lesson 5:  Harmful Secrets

Lesson 6:  Being a Friend - Part 1

Lesson 7:  Being a Friend - Part 2


Second Grade

Lesson 8:  Be Safe at School and Home

Lesson 9:  Red Flags, Green Flags

Lesson 10:  Adults Need to Know


Third Grade

Lesson 11:  Privacy and Communication

Lesson 12:  The Media and You

Lesson 13:  How to Handle Peer Pressure


Fourth Grade

Lesson 14:  Getting Help

Lesson 15:  Influences - Part 1

Lesson 16:  Influences - Part 2


Fifth Grade

Lesson 17:  When to Ask for Help

Lesson 18:  How Media Affects Me

Lesson 19:  Peer Pressure

 Click below to view a

Sample Elementary Lesson


There are additional resources available, but it is always important to remind students to reach out to a parent, teacher, counselor, family member, or other trusted adult that can help.


For a full list of available resources,
visit the link below.

S.P.I.D.E.R.S. Resources

If you suspect or know that a student has been the victim of sexual assault, violence, or abuse, you are required to immediately report this information, in compliance with state law.  Immediately speak with building administration if you have any questions about this process.

Elementary Packages


Each Elementary Instructional Resource Kit walks teachers through the implementation of a specific lesson. Unlike the content that we have developed for implementation at the middle school and high school levels, this content will be used by you, the teacher, to guide students through essential content during class time. Instructional Resource Kits like this one will provide you with step-by-step instructions and a detailed, orderly method for introducing each topic to your students. Each step includes easy-to-follow visuals, links, and resources.


These lessons will feature demonstrations, hypothetical situations, and various scenarios. Regardless of the material and content within the lesson, students should never be used in any demonstration that requires touching; innuendo, situations, or language that may be construed as sexual in nature; or inappropriate conversation.


Our comprehensive K-12 online program expands beyond the topic of assault and abuse and addresses the following eight themes throughout the program:
















When discussing these topics and involving students, remember to exercise caution, discretion, and sensitivity. Never make any assumptions or generalizations about students’ histories, family situations, or prior knowledge. It is advised to avoid humor when discussing this content in order to not confuse or upset students. At the beginning and end of each lesson, remind students that they are able to privately discuss any concerns, questions, or issues with you (or another trusted adult) and should not discuss specific circumstances or individuals during the class-wide discussions.



**All images used within these lesson plans are in the public domain or utilize a Creative Commons license.





Emotional Health



The Media


Relationships, Behaviors, and Social Interaction

Safety and


Sexual Assault and Abuse

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